Top 5 Income Secrets For Seniors

1. Boost Your Social Security by $570 a month

 According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, over 97% of Americans do not receive the maximum amount of Social Security benefits allowed by law. In many cases, Americans are forgoing over $150,000 in lifetime benefits—an astronomical figure for any social class. Could you use some additional cash on your social security? There is one simple way to ensure you receive all of the money you are entitled to, and it all starts with one word all seniors can use today to boost their benefits.

Click Here To Boost Your Social Security Checks

2. Start Receiving Your Monthly Freedom Checks

Thousands of seniors are now taking advantage of “Freedom Checks” which make social security and other government programs look like pennies. These are monthly payouts (in addition to your social security) thanks to a program that authorizes 568 agencies across the country to dole out this money.  Depending on the size of your claim with these agencies…you could be looking at a very large payday. Click here to see if you are a senior that qualifies to start collecting  freedom checks.

Click Here to Claim Your First Freedom Check

3. Join The Little-Known 26(f) Program

President Trump signed an executive order that could help to preserve one of America’s most powerful tax havens, and in the process, it could save retirees up to $80 billion. Last year, the Department of Labor announced a measure that could cause sweeping changes to a class of investments some are calling “26(f) Programs.” Among other things, these “programs” can allow a growing number of Americans to avoid cutting a big tax check to Uncle Sam. It’s 100% legal. And for many, it’s helping them become millionaires. But, a set of controversial regulations are scheduled to take effect, which according to the Wall Street Journal, “could cost American savers $80 billion.” Republicans in congress have been critical of the regulations, but until now the new administration has yet to make any official statements regarding the future of 26(f) Programs.

Click Here To Join The 26(f) Program


4. You May Also Qualify For These New Tax Law Benefits


If you’re a taxpayer…And you don’t know about this NEW tax law… You could be leaving A LOT of money on the table! You see if you don’t know about it, it’s not your fault. While hardworking taxpayers like you are in the dark…The lawmakers who passed this NEW law are set to collect up to $16 million in income. There’s hundreds of millions at stake! No wonder Bloomberg called this “a multimillion-dollar windfall.” If you’re a taxpayer, click here now to see how to collect some of that cash.

5. Claim Your Tax-Free Retirement Starting Today

“(It gives) tax advantages far beyond those available to middle-income people through a 401(k) or IRA.”- Wall Street Journal

People are absolutely raving about the ideas in Ted Benna’s newest book about tax free retirement. Ted, the father of the 401k, has so many invaluable tips in this book like how to join the Senior Homeowners’ Reward program created by the FHA. This program allows some seniors to collect between $575 and $2,200 in tax-free income! He also teaches seniors how to earn 37 to 62 times more on your money thanks to a secret, tax-free “account”. Even better news? He’s giving away his book for free! There are only a limited amount of books available. See if you can still get one here.

Click Here For Your Tax Free Retirement

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